LinkedIn is a Networking "Goldmine" for Nearly Any Type of Profession or Business?

Are you being told that LinkedIn as an electronic version of your resume?

Do you struggle to communicate the issues you care about, the problems you solve, or the opportunities you create?

Do you or your sales team struggle to find new quality leads that result in sales and business opportunity?

Do you struggle to create and share content that communicates to your customer that you understand their pain?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the Linked Goldmine Formula Mastermind Community could be right for you.

Let me help you tap into the world's largest professional networking site with 500+ Million members worldwide in over 200 countries. My custom five-step approach includes:

Get Found. Get Noticed. Get Picked.

To get found, noticed, and picked on LinkedIn requires a profile that stands out from everyone else. 

When your ideal customers and clients visit your profile, they need to know that you represent the solution to the issue they're trying to solve.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • THE ART OF MASTERING LinkedIn Navigation. You'll discover how to navigate LinkedIn's features and functionality, including the privacy and settings area.
  • THE CONTENT SECTIONS you need for a successful LinkedIn profile, including the five key pieces of LinkedIn real estate that you absolutely have to get right.

Your profile is your brand.

Discover Your Goldmine

LinkedIn has a powerful search engine. We're going to show you how to use it to identify your Ideal Customers & Clients. 

Here's what you'll learn:

  • HOW TO USE LinkedIn as a research tool for discovering your Ideal Clients.
  • IS SALES NAVIGATOR RIGHT FOR YOU, and Decide whether it makes sense for you to invest in a premium package.  

We're mining for gold here.

Invitations That Peak Interest

We work with you to create a custom “Invitation to Connect”  templates.

We'll repeat this process each time we engage a new target. audience to connect with.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • THE ART of making connections on LinkedIn includes how to evaluate the authenticity of an Invitation to Connect, reviewing member profiles, and deciding whether to send or accept an Invitation to Connect.

A custom message is a 1000x more effective than a "vanilla" Invitation to Connect.

Thanks For The Connection

We work with you to create custom "Thank you" and "Follow-up" messages.

Here's what you'll learn: 

  • WE COACH YOU TO CRAFT ENGAGING "THANK YOU" MESSAGES and unique questionnaires so that you can start a discovery dialog with your ideal customers and clients.

We're not just collecting connections.

Nurture Your Connections By Creating Content That Matters

We take an active role in helping you create valuable original content such as Podcasts & Articles that you share on LinkedIn with your 1st-degree connections.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • TECHNIQUES FOR CREATING, finding, and sharing content with your connections, especially the ones who are your Ideal Clients. You'll learn how to create articles and share them with your new contacts and the greater LinkedIn community.

The more times you share valuable content with your connections, you begin to strengthen the know-like-trust quotient with them.

"Howard Fox is the "go to" guy for any technical help on how to increase your market, get yourself promoted, and use LinkedIn to its ultimate best advantage."

Leni Wildflower, PhD, PCC
Executive Coach, Consultant, Author and Educator

"Howard is an outstanding Executive Coach and a LinkedIn Guru. He has done the heavy lifting on what a profile should look like and how to take it to the next level. Opinions on profiles are abundant and Iโ€™m a busy guy, which is why Howard is my go-to source for all things LinkedIn and personal branding. Iโ€™ve had the privilege meeting and working with Howard over the last year, and I can tell you heโ€™s the real deal. He is honest, helpful, genuine, kind, keen, detailed and talented. He can take any LinkedIn profile, break it into parts, polish each one and then reassemble it into a cohesive story that promotes the individual."

Russ Webster
Saas Solutions Expert

"I'd known for months that, with two businesses, my LinkedIn page was not serving me. But thanks to Howard's VIP guidance I'm now clear on LinkedIn's hidden/implied structure -- and how to leverage it to work for each business and show them off in a way that people easily "get" what I do."

Dorothy Kuhn
Career Advancement Mentor

"Howard Fox has been helping me create and refine my LinkedIn profile. His training webinars and online manual are relatable making it easy to systematically create an impressive profile. The webinars are interactive with Howard and the group members available to offer immediate feedback. Most impressive is Howard's great customer support. He graciously shares his knowledge and resources and willingly helps resolve any issues that arise. I highly recommend hiring Howard for his social media marketing knowledge and LinkedIn webinars. "

Terri Flynn
Career Coach

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